Our call on Max Life Insurance is a non-consensus call. What do we see that others do not?
Enclosed is a brief note to explain our thought process underlying this investment.
Read MoreOur call on Max Life Insurance is a non-consensus call. What do we see that others do not?
Enclosed is a brief note to explain our thought process underlying this investment.
Read MoreOur call on JSW Energy is a non-consensus call. What do we see that others do not?
Enclosed is a brief note to explain our thought process underlying this investment.
Read MoreThe starting point for Investors must always be Asset Allocation. In some earlier letters, we have written to you recommending you should hold some Gold/Gold Equivalents in one’s portfolio – as Insurance to guard against the “unknown unknowns” of excessive money printing and even as diversification into another Asset Class that is not correlated with Equities.
Read MoreWe have put together a brief note to explain our thought process underlying this investment.
Read MoreOver the past few week, we have been asked by many partners whether “It is a good time give you more money?”
Read MoreSRF has 3 business verticals – Fluorine based Chemicals/Refrigerant Gases, High grade Packaging Films and Technical Textiles. Our primary Investment thesis is based on the Fluorine based chemical segment where they have a highly differentiated franchise.
SRF has tail-winds on its own merit but will benefit from “China+1”. They have been investing in Capex aggressively over the last few years & with the agri Cycle poised to turn, the company should witness strong growth over the next few years.
Enclosed is a brief note to explain our thought process underlying this investment.
Enclosed note discusses our approach to portfolio design.
Read MoreIndia has implemented two significant regulations in the recent past. GST and the Bankruptcy Code. We argue that a third one is on the way which will lead to Re-pricing of Credit risk
Read MoreThe best businesses are those that can grow predictably while generating cash and can grow without any or very little reinvestment of this cash.
Read MoreIn our Q2FY18 letter dated 4 July 2017, we had made the following observations
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